Autoškola/Driving school

septembra 05, 2014

   V utorok má dobrý kamarát skúšky z autoškoly. Ako to už býva, stres na neho prichádza a keď sme si spolu písali, pýtal poslať medvede a víly. (asi to znie divne, ale je to také zaužívané medzi nami a ešte pár ľuďmi zo školy, na základe zložitého a dlhého príbehu :) ) Samozrejme som mu ich prisľúbila, ono to ale bolo myslené skôr tak "telepaticky". Nech sa ale nervozita trochu odbúra, rozhodla som sa potajme poslať pohľadnicu, s úmyslom vyvolať aspoň nejaký úsmev v tej osudný utorok. 
   Našla som si teda na internete nejaké obrázky, trochu ich pokombinovala a pohľadnica bola na svete. Do vnútra som okrem textu dokreslila nejaké tie "neviditeľné" medvede a vílu :) 

   One my good friend will have a test in driving school on Tuesday. He is a little stressed out and he asked from me invisible bears and fairies (maybe it sound strange, but it is really long story about bears and fairies and it is metaphor :) ) Of course I promised it to him, but he thought more like "telepathically". Nervousness is bad thing and I decided send him a funny card for smile. 
    I found on the internet some pictures and I made one picture for a card. Card has text, fairy and some invisible bears inside :)

Kvôli súťaži na stránke Scrapy Land, som využila pár výsekov v tváre šípok.
I used some dies - arrows, for a first challenge on Scrapy Land

Dúfam, že pohľadnica vyvolala úsmev i na iných tvárach a prajem krásny deň.
Have a nice day. 

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4 komentárov

  1. I'm sure your friend will love this card! The image is so cute and I love all the arrows! Thanks for participating in the Scrapy Land Challenge Blog's 1st challenge! I do hope you will join us again!

  2. This is so cute and definitely put a smile on my face. I'm sure your friend will love it too. SO glad you shared it with us for the Scrapy Land Challenge!

  3. This is absolutely perfect for someone taking a driving test! How fun and cute!!! Love all the little arrows on here and so glad you joined us at Scrapy Land Challenges! Your friend will love this for sure.

  4. Really fun card and such a great way to ease his mind!
